2014 is doomed—if Indian’s new song has its way

2014 is doomed—if Indian’s new song has its way

In Hear This, A.V. Club writers sing the praises of songs they know well—some inspired by a weekly theme and some not, but always songs worth hearing.

There’s a lot of pop culture to look forward to in 2014. If Indian has its way, though, we may not survive to see much of it. The veteran Chicago noise-metal group has been hurling itself at the bars of its cage for a decade, but it was 2011’s Guiltless that finally showed just how desperately nihilistic Indian could sound. Due January 21 from Relapse Records, From All Purity is the follow-up to Guiltless—and it’s an even more harrowing descent into a twisted, tortured tableau of thunderous doom, charred hardcore, and heart-scouring hopelessness.

“Rhetoric Of No,” on From All Purity, says it all. With riffs that curdle bone marrow and vocals that sound like AC/DC’s Brian Johnson being force-fed a jet engine, the song is an unholy union of bestial despair and industrialized noise. But there’s also a sinuous, speaking-in-tongues circularity to “Rhetoric Of No” that seems to hint at vaster tragedies than those of the soul. This shit is apocalyptic to a degree that few metallic Armageddon-mongers have managed to hit in the past few years. 2012 was the year the Mayans predicted the world would end, but Indian may have just provided a minor, two-year adjustment.

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