50 Cent to embrace his inner sitcom star in Fox comedy My Friend 50

50 Cent, a rapper whose commitment to prioritizing corporate investment opportunities has led to recent albums that may as well start off, “My name’s 50 Cent and I’m here to say,” is getting into the sitcom game. After a run of self-produced movies and his Starz show Power, Deadline reports the man who never met an artistic outlet he couldn’t do a halfway-okay job of imitating is set to produce and periodically appear in My Friend 50, a single-camera comedy for Fox. (That commitment to being only somewhat good at things even extends to his name, which is surely slang for the 50 percent effort he lends all his endeavors, except for going bankrupt, to which he committed 100 percent.)

My Friend 50 will follow Amanda Kramer, an “unstable twentysomething who believes that joining 50 Cent’s entourage is the answer to all her problems. Her unlikely journey with 50 Cent’s crew takes the form of a bizarre documentary commissioned by the most unreliable narrator in history: Amanda.” Given 50 Cent’s penchant for bragging about his money and business acumen, the show might be wise to revamp that description to read “second-most unreliable narrator in history,” but that can be saved for Fox’s marketing department, no doubt thrilled to be tasked with selling his participation as a creative plus. However, 50 Cent will only have a sporadically recurring role on the show, possibly because he’s busy excessively masturbating, a topic that will almost surely be addressed on his next album, Why Am I Sharing This With The World?

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