50 Cent's protégé Hot Rod drops the "Osama Bin Laden Is Dead" jam you've been waiting for

50 Cent's protégé Hot Rod drops the "Osama Bin Laden Is Dead" jam you've been waiting for

Face it: They could release both a grisly death photo and a video of his swift burial at sea, but it wouldn’t really feel like Osama Bin Laden is dead until someone slapped together a celebratory dance song and dropped it on iTunes. So rejoice, for 50 Cent’s G-Unit protégé Hot Rod has done just that, releasing “Osama Bin Laden Is Dead” to a nation desperate for some sense of closure, preferably driven by cheap jock-jam synths and peppered with Charlie Sheen references. In addition to Cinco de Mayo, it looks like you now have the long-overdue assassination of a terrorist figurehead as an excuse to party like you just moved one step closer to healing the wounds of 9/11, y’all. [Buzzfeed]

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