#6: Say Anything 2: Say Nothing 

We go a little long this week, but there is much to discuss: MTV is old. A Say Anything sequel. Among our Pop Pilgrims reminisces, a random dude in small-town Mississippi called Pop Pilgrims host Dan Telfer a "candy-ass faggot." And, of course, much more. After the intro, here's what's in store:

:39 – Genevieve Koski and Steven Hyden discuss MTV turning 30 and the network's real legacy
13:00 – Tasha Robinson and Keith Phipps talk about the potential of a Say Anything sequel, and review other late-arriving sequels
23:04 – Pop Pilgrims ends this week, so hosts Dan Telfer and Brian Berrebbi talk about things that didn't make it in the series. Like the man who said we could murder him.
37:02 – Reader messages: One gives props to Genevieve and Tasha, and another asks Nathan if Ellie from Up is a manic pixie dream girl
41:18 – Extracurricular Activities with Tasha and Marcus Gilmer

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