7 inches of Suicide Squeeze

7 inches of Suicide Squeeze

Renowned Seattle indie label Suicide Squeeze–which has released music by Modest Mouse, Minus The Bear, Pedro The Lion, and many other bands named after Beanie Babies–has announced a new series of limited-edition 7-inch singles for 2008. The first round of bands on the agenda are Health; The Coathangers; Secret Machines spinoff School Of Seven Bells; Black Moth Super Rainbow; and David Bazan of the aforementioned PTL (that's Pedro The Lion, not Jim Bakker's defunct Praise The Lord organization… although Bazan is in fact an openly Christian songwriter… fuck it, never mind).

For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, here you go (btw, not all obsessive vinyl collectors have such depressing, horribly shitty apartments–just me and this guy):

WARNING: You will definitely want to stop this clip before DJ Rectumtangle starts singing along and making with the turntablism.

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