8-year-old girl among victims identified so far in Ariana Grande concert bombing

Sad details continue to emerge in the story of last night’s deadly suicide bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in the northern English city of Manchester. Earlier today, we reported on the first victim to be identified, 18-year-old student and fantasy devotee Georgina Callander. And now a second victim, 8-year-old Saffie Rose Roussos, has been named by The New York Times and other news organizations. Roussos was from the nearby city of Lancashire, and was attending the concert with her mother and older sister, both of whom are in the hospital being treated for wounds sustained in the attack.

Chris Upton, principal of Roussos’ elementary school, tells the NYT that Roussos was a “quiet and unassuming” girl “with a creative flair.” He adds, “I would like to send our deepest condolences to all of her family and friends. The thought that anyone could go out to a concert and not come home is heartbreaking.”

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