A Beyoncé fan’s Twitter account is the internet’s new Nostradamus

Earlier today, Beyoncé broke Instagram records by posting a photo announcing that she was pregnant with twins, catching the entire internet off-guard—almost. As internet detectives quickly discovered, one Lemonade enthusiast, going by the name @beyoncefan666, had posted about the pregnancy a few days earlier, on January 28. And also a few months earlier—i.e., before the twin heirs to the Tidal fortune were even conceived—on July 22, 2016. Cue the internet losing its collective mind.

Digging further into the account, people found other predictions from the self-proclaimed “low key psychic” running it: Lady Gaga’s upcoming half-time show. The Brexit vote. The rise of President Trump. All there, all timestamped well before they occurred in real life. Clearly, a new prophet had emerged, to lead us into Queen Bey’s shining utopia, where all the babies are twins, and where Red Lobster is readily available for all.

Or just a clever Twitter trickster, obviously. (This is your daily reminder that psychic powers are not real, and your dreams will never come true.) Complex has a pretty good guess, by way of writer Andy Baio, at how the account is pulling off the trick: You set up a private Twitter account, fill it with all possible predictions for a bunch of big events, delete the ones that don’t match after the fact, and then set the thing to public. (The fact that the account didn’t mention the twins, and that it only started getting replies today despite being around for the last eight months, lends credence to the theory.) It seems like a lot of trouble to go to for not a ton of effect, but a) we’re talking about it, aren’t we, and b) it’s at least easier than hacking Twitter’s timestamp system or inventing an actual time machine, which seem like the other ways to pull off this clearly important result. Either way: bravo, mysterious internet person. You made the world seem magical for half a second, and that might be the most Beyoncé thing a person can do.

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