A “cannabis gym” is opening in San Francisco

A “cannabis gym” is opening in San Francisco

Because nothing says “optimal work-out goals” like deadlifts and smoking weed, a San Francisco entrepreneur has announced that he’s starting a “cannabis gym” for fans of working out while high. That’s according to Teen Vogue, which reports that Jim McAlpine’s Power Plant Fitness wants to help athletes and fitness junkies get into “eye-of-the-tiger mode” with a little recreational help. According to Power Plant’s web site, the company hopes to buck the stereotype of regular cannabis users as lazy stoners (even as its promotional video shows plenty of evidence to the contrary, including shots of Arnold Schwarzenegger getting high in Pumping Iron).

Opening in May, Power Plant offers “cannabis performance assessments, weed-assisted fitness plans, and Power Plant’s own line of edibles.” We don’t have any specific information of the San Francisco-based gym’s snack bar, but we can only assume its Doritos budget will be huge.

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