A charming new song laments the “spunk trumpets and fuck boys” who ruined 2016

A charming new song laments the “spunk trumpets and fuck boys” who ruined 2016

If you have hated 2016—and why wouldn’t you—there are many ways to express yourself. There are articles. Here’s a shirt. If you’re John Oliver, you can blow up a giant sign that says “2016.”

The comedy duo Flo & Joan—Nicola and Rosie Dempsey, British-born comedians currently living in Canada—also hate 2016, and they expound on why in this lilting new video:

Nothing escapes their incinerating, sing-song despair: Harambe, a litany of celebrity deaths, Great British Bake Off, Brexit, clowns, Nazis, Zika, and, of course, Trump, all accompanied by gallivanting show-tune piano. Each time the key changes, the sisters open up the scope of their disdain for this rotation around the sun.

There’s something of a cottage industry on the internet in blaming 2016, the amorphous, man-made concept, for every awful event that has occurred over the past year. But as arbitrary as this opponent is, there’s still something comforting about laying out the grievances and chanting “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” over them, as Flo & Joan do here. You can see more of their songs, which tackle self-important travel photos and bee extinction, here.

[via Metafilter]

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