A clone has entered the chat in The Circle season 3 trailer

You thought the addition of The Joker last season was wild? Wait till you see what's in store for season 3

A clone has entered the chat in The Circle season 3 trailer
Two Michelles?! Screenshot: Netflix

It seems like just yesterday we were watching Nicholas Braun lookalike Jack blow his chance at winning The Circle as catfish “Emily” after failing a makeup challenge. But here we are, with another season of the reality show approaching—a season that promises new catfishes, virtual romances, and tons of messiness. Netflix gave a glimpse at what’s to come in a new trailer and, surprisingly, it looks like most people are playing as themselves. But after The Joker thing last season, there’s gotta be a twist, right?

Yup! This time, it’s even wilder. Contestant Michelle is “cloned” in the chat, so the rest of the contestants have to figure out who’s the real one and who’s pretending to be her for another chance at staying in the game. Poor Michelle looks confused as hell about what’s going on. We don’t blame her, we’d be freaking out, too! And that’s not the only wild moment looming. Someone else gets to rejoin the game with a “burner profile” of a ghost hunter named Vince.(The trailer doesn’t reveal who it is but sounds like Kai’s voice saying “this is your burner profile”—and she seems to be accompanied by someone else who says in unison “Vince?”).

Last season, there were far too many catfishes and instead of people being as wholesome and sweet as they were during the first season, these contestants were far more focused on the cash prize. Having Courtney as The Joker and stirring shit up also created even more chaos. We’re hopeful that with less catfishes this time around (or at least from the looks of the trailer), we can get those genuine, heartfelt moments again. Give us another friendship like Joey and Shooby’s!

The third season of The Circle premieres on September 8, and we’ll get new episodes on Sept. 15 and 22 before reaching the finale on the 29th.

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