A giant Trump chicken is staring down the White House

America’s whimsy reserves have taken a beating over the last seven months, what with, well, everything, so it’s nice to see that Donald Trump’s critics haven’t lost touch with their sillier side. Earlier today, Washington D.C. residents were treated to the sight of an inflatable rooster, hair styled to resemble Trump’s signature tonsorial barnyard, standing on the Ellipse, part of the park across the street from the White House. The chicken was apparently placed there by protesters still hoping to somehow shame the president into following White House precedent and releasing his tax returns.

The chicken—which has showed up at a number of Tax March protests—apparently has a Twitter account, but he’s not actually unique; you can get one on eBay for $500, a real steal for anyone planning the ultimate lawn statement about…something?…this Halloween. (Meanwhile, we can’t wait to see what the red-hats of the internet will do with the fact that the inflatable was manufactured in China.)

Sadly, Trump isn’t in town to see his poultry doppelganger; he’s currently on a 17-day “working vacation” at one of his golf courses, where he’s nevertheless managed to not only pick a fight with Senate Majority Leader (and ostensible ally) Mitch McConnell, but also get into a slap-fight with North Korea that might end with them nuking Guam. (And thus, the whimsy reserves take another, potentially crushing, blow.)

[via CBS News]

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