A good day for offensive entertainment news

Do you start the week looking for things to get offended about? Or things to laugh at or admire for their potential to offend? A few tidbits from the entertainment world should keep you busy for the morning.

This promises to be the most universally upsetting: Elton John says organized religion should be banned, in this interview with Jake Shears in the Observer Music Monthly. As if on cue, this pops up on the same website.

If you're not religious, try some more general affronts to your dignity as an American. Borat stays at the top of the box office as the Associated Press tracks down Borat's many disgruntled victims, one of whom claims she got fired after having Borat on her TV show. Also, a new AMC drama about a meth-making high-school teacher is in the works, according to The Hollywood Reporter. You now have more than enough excuses to feel vulnerable and scared and lash out.

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