A handy guide to Trump's dumbest, least consequential scandals

A handy guide to Trump's dumbest, least consequential scandals
Photo: Tasos Katopodis

Donald Trump, 45th president of the United States, is almost about to leave office. His legacy will mostly be defined by an embrace and encouragement of everything horrible about America—and the accomplishment of nabbing the country’s current impeachment high score title—but, he’s also left us with years of deeply stupid PR disasters worth remembering alongside the more serious issues.

Jules Suzdaltsev took to Twitter to create a digital scrapbook of these moments, cataloging the many scandals, fuck-ups, and absurdities that seem to cling to Trump just like a piece of toilet paper stuck to a shoe.

The thread starts with Trump looking right at the sun during an eclipse and goes on to include other all-timers, like his “lawnmower boy”, truck driving, and orb-touching photo ops.

Suzdaltsev also includes plenty of other memories with more immediately unpleasant associations. He lists Trump’s racist COVID notes and bean company advertisements, his game show-style distribution of disaster relief supplies in Puerto Rico, and that time he necked on the American flag to get his base all horned up about GOP-brand patriotism.

The best memories, though, are the most politically inert, just generally buffoonish ones. It’s been a while since we thought about Trump asking a little kid whether he still believes in Santa (to be fair, who among us really “gives a fuck about Christmas stuff?” ), his fast food banquet, or his demonstrations of proper umbrella etiquette and, then as now, they’re hilarious.

It’s too bad the same can’t be said for everything else that’s happened over the last few years. But, hey, we’re talking about the current political landscape here—a realm where we must seriously consider questions like whether or not an insurrectionist tasered himself in the balls and died—and they can’t be funny all the time.

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