A Led Zeppelin lullaby: Inside the Rockabye Baby world

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Ask a parent what their kid is listening to, and they’ll probably say something awful. (“Baby Shark,” anyone?) Luckily, there’s a soothing and satisfying alternative out there for parents, and has been for over 10 years.

With over 100 releases yielding over 600 million streams, Rockabye Baby takes popular artists—U2, The Ramones, and Drake, for instance—and turns their tunes into soothing woodblock and mellotron-based lullaby tracks aimed at children. How they do that exactly is revealed above in our interview with Rockabye founder Lisa Roth and CMH Records A&R chief James Curtiss.

Rockabye Baby’s latest release, Rockabye Baby: Lullaby Renditions Of Selena, is due out September 20.

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