A look inside the state home for Manic Pixie Dream Girls

A look inside the state home for Manic Pixie Dream Girls

Long time readers of this website will remember the genesis of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl, the magical phrase coined by our own Nathan Rabin to describe those quirky, adorkable female love interests of so many Natalie Portman and Kirsten Dunst films. The trope has both been defined as a “cinematic scourge” and grown more popular thanks to Zooey Deschanel (who was the subject of satire when the MPDG manifested itself into a recurring SNL skit). As the MPDG continues to haunt our Shins-soundtracked dreams, it’s comforting to know there are those who care, as evidenced by the below video. Made by comedy group The Natural Disastronauts as part of their web series “The Katie Willert Video Experience,” the video envisions a home where loved ones can take their beloved MPDGs to roam free and be happy, unencumbered by society’s silly constraints once the memories of getting married in a bouncy castle have faded.

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