A makeup artist morphs into Johnny Depp in this nice bit of nightmare fuel

A makeup artist morphs into Johnny Depp in this nice bit of nightmare fuel
Screenshot: YouTube

Perhaps you’re thinking, “Wow, why would anyone need more nightmare fuel right now?” And you may be right. But, for some, once one reaches a certain point in their waking anxiety dream, the only real distraction is a more immediate and (hopefully) much more absurd nightmare. So, for that hypothetical reader, here. Here’s a skilled makeup artist deftly transforming her own face into the face of a guy who lost a big lawsuit today.

This very cool video comes to the world courtesy of makeup artist Yuya Mika, and while it’s not new to the internet—she first posted it to her YouTube channel in March 2019, so roughly four years ago in 2020 time—it’s been making the timeline rounds courtesy of Eyes On Cinema’s Twitter account. Perhaps the lure here is simply the knowledge that we just don’t need a Johnny Depp anymore. Give that woman a bag full of scarves and leather bracelets and call it a day.

He’s not Yuya Mika’s only transformation, however:

We are not proposing that Tom Holland be replaced (unless Yuya Mika can also do “Umbrella,” we would never dream of such a thing). But it’s an impressive effect all the same.

Here she becomes Elizabeth Taylor, which seems like a pretty solid option if you’re going to make your face look like someone else’s face.

Here she is as Gal Gadot’s Diana. Perhaps she could grace us with a nice cover of “Imagine”?

Our challenge to Yuya Mika: Lift the world’s spirits by covering “All I Want For Christmas Is You” one line at a time as all the celebrities in that “Imagine” cover. It’s sure to be a hit.

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