A new Twitter account is waging a one-man war on Internet comments

Maybe it’s the thrill of anonymity. Maybe it’s the high that comes from knowing that the magic of the World Wide Web allows for a simple line of text composed in your basement to be read by people all over the globe. Whatever the reason, it’s no secret that many of the comments people leave on the Internet are at worst repulsive and at best irrelevant (excluding, of course, the consistently vibrant and enlightening messages left by The A.V. Club’s community of stoic intellectuals).

In keeping with another of the Internet’s hallowed traditions—namely creating fake solutions to fake problems—the creator(s) of the @AvoidComments Twitter handle have developed a method of keeping today’s surfers from becoming mired in the derisive troll pits known as discussion boards. Since the account launched on Nov. 28, Don’t Read Comments has tweeted periodic reminders of the fact that there is little to be gained from succumbing to the temptation of reading comments (excluding, again, the consistently vibrant and enlightening messages left by The A.V. Club’s community of stoic intellectuals).

It’s hard to imagine the gag having much longevity, seeing as there are only so many ways to tell people to abstain from scrolling to the bottom of the page. But with gems like “Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt; sing like nobody's listening; read the internet like there are no comments,” @AvoidComments might be worth a follow for the few minutes it exists.

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