A Song Of Ice And Fire meets Edward Gorey, grisliness (and spoilers) ensues

The 20 or so deaths depicted in this series of illustrations represent only a fraction of the slayings, maulings, flayings, and various other fatalities described in George R.R. Martin’s A Song Of Ice And Fire series, but the big ones are all here, and rendered extra grisly via visuals inspired by Edward Gorey’s The Gashlycrumb Tinies. Drawn by DeviantArtist Kaleadora, the series goes the extra mile by including Gorey-style abecedarium couplets (written by her friend) detailing the creative demise each character faced. (Or, in a couple of cases, didn’t face, presumably for the sake of maintaining the rhyme scheme.) The full 26 are here; be warned, Game Of Thrones fans who haven’t read the books, major spoilers for upcoming seasons lay ahead.

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