A Swedish band emerged briefly but wonderfully, thanks to Romeo + Juliet

A Swedish band emerged briefly but wonderfully, thanks to Romeo + Juliet

In Hear This, A.V. Club writers sing the praises of songs they know well—some inspired by a weekly theme and some not, but always songs worth hearing. This week, we’re plowing through some of our favorite songs for spring.

If Swedish band The Wannadies are remembered for anything—and it seems extremely unlikely, at least in the long run—it’ll be for 1994’s gloriously chipper “You And Me Song,” a song that might’ve been completely lost on America if not for its inclusion on Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet soundtrack. But in some alternate universe, “You And Me Song” is some sort of Beatles-level phenomenon, played at every sporting event and over the end credits of every summer movie. The formula couldn’t be simpler or better executed: A pretty, long-haired dude sweetly sings about his undying love, which can (and does) survive even through the slightest ups and downs. With his sweet nothings out of the way, he invites the rest of the band to rock out for the chorus, which proclaims: “And it’s always you and me / always and forever.” Rinse with another softly strummed verse, then repeat the chorus a couple of times, then duck out before the three-minute mark. It’s the kind of song that a lot of bands probably shy away from, and many more try to repeat—it rides the line between absolutely classic-sounding and slightly generic, though I give it the benefit of the doubt every time, especially when it enters my brain for days at a time.

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