A timeline of all the crazy things Katt Williams did these past few weeks before quitting comedy

A timeline of all the crazy things Katt Williams did these past few weeks before quitting comedy

After more than 20 years of performing as a stand-up comic, acting in films such as Friday After Next and Norbit, and being a leading proponent of the theory that the word "pimpin'" constitutes a complete joke, Katt Williams claims he is retiring from his comedy career—a sudden, appropriately odd end to an extraordinary month of mayhem. Video of Williams announcing his retirement to a Seattle news station is below, but first, a brief timeline of how Williams spent the past few weeks:

November 1: Williams performs a "bizarre" show in Denver that sees him "doing push-ups, taking his shirt off, mumbling and dousing himself in water," then inviting a heckler up on stage and spitting on him. He halts the show by jumping off stage to find another heckler, engaging him in a shoving match and  "profanity-laden tirade" that escalates into a near-brawl before he bails, chastises the crowd, and promises everyone refunds. There is video.

November 9: Williams is sued for $5 million by a former assistant who claims he attacked her on October 6, landing her in the hospital.

November 15: Williams is arrested on charges of assault with a deadly weapon, after an 18-year-old Berkeley man claims that Williams hit him with a bottle while aboard his tour bus in Oakland.

November 16: Williams once again halts a performance in Oakland—this time after a mere 10 minutes—following a "monologue" that mostly saw him taking off his clothes and attempting to fight at least three members of the audience. Again, there is video.

November 21: Two class-action lawsuits are filed against Williams and Live Nation by attendees of the Oakland show.

November 22: Thanksgiving.

November 25: Williams is involved in a long, erratic police chase in Sacramento, after he is spotted driving his three-wheeled motorcycle on the sidewalk. Reportedly, Williams takes his helmet off at one point to yell to pursuing officers, "I'm not going to stop!" The chase is called off "for public safety reasons," and Williams still faces possible felony evasion charges.

November 25, continued: Immediately following his police chase, Williams enters a Target store where, after briefly arguing with one of the employees, he slaps him in the face. Williams then makes his escape from the store on an electric cart. There is, of course, video.

November 29: Williams makes his official entrance to Seattle with a no-show at the first of two scheduled performances at the Paramount Theatre. LA Weekly later reports that Williams was on his way to the show when "his Hummer ran out of gas… and the comedian allegedly slashed its tires and rammed it with a backup vehicle."

November 30: Williams makes it to Friday's show, but again brings it to a halt when he spies an audience member shooting video of him with his phone. That audience member says Williams then jumped off stage and "smacked me in the head with the microphone"—a story corroborated by another attendee a few rows back, who adds that Williams actually "took a baseball swing" with his microphone. This witness also alleges that Williams' tour manager, hip-hop mogul Suge Knight, later sent a "thug goon" over to offer the victim money. The victim says he was subsequently unable to convince police to arrest Williams, but announces plans to file a lawsuit.

November 30: Some fans claim that Williams "attacked" them following Friday's show, after they tried taking a photo with him. Williams claims that said fans "forced their way into his dressing room" but that nothing happened. No arrests are made. Williams tells officers he plans to leave town on Saturday.

December 1: Williams does not leave town.

December 2: Williams heads to a sports bar on Sunday afternoon, where he reportedly fights with patrons, brandishes a pool cue at the manager, and refuses to leave. He then allegedly follows a family out into the parking lot and flicks a lit cigarette through the window of their car as they're trying to leave, hitting one of the female family members just below her eye. He's arrested—with some struggle—for assault, harassment, and obstruction.

December 3: Williams is bailed out in the early hours of Monday by Suge Knight.

December 3, continued: Williams is kicked out of Seattle's South Lake Union Hotel, after several guests complained that the stench of marijuana coming from Williams' room is so overpowering that it's entering their own rooms. News station KOMO is there to capture his ejection and interview Williams, during which the comedian (while wearing a Seattle Seahawks hat and Kurt Cobain T-shirt ) says he's been "kicked out of four hotels in two days," accuses Seattle police of painting him as a "public menace that came to town," and announces plans to sue the entire city of Seattle for $50 million for "crippling my reputation as a father and a black man and as a taxpaying citizen and as a person who is not a convicted felon."

Williams also makes a cash offer of $301,000 for the recently decommissioned Washington State Ferry Rhododendron, saying he thinks the boat would be an ideal place for him, his family, his staff, and his dogs to stay while he finishes his lawsuit against the city. Williams then announces the end of his stand-up comedy career, saying, "I'm kinda done." No further announcement is made regarding the dates left on his tour.

December 5: Nothing so far.

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