My, how the time passes. After giving you nearly a month to catch up on the potentially great movies you may have missed in 2006, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask for your ballots. We already have a stronger turnout than last year, and, doing a cursory scan of the ballots so far, I'm guessing that we may have some surprises at the top. Top Five lists are welcome, of course, but what makes the feature work are the comments and we could definitely use more thoughts on the year that was. We still haven't heard from some of last year's most prominent voices—Marlowe? kza? Sonny? Stevie Kuenn? Greg Dunlap? Steve Carlson?… I'm calling you out—and we'd welcome the chance to add more to them.

If you need a standard for comments, check out last year's inaugural edition. And remember, every vote counts, so long as Ken Blackwell or Katherine Harris isn't doing the counting. Here are the rules again:

Here are the rules:

1. Come up with a Top Five list in preferential order and submit it to [email protected].

2. For simplicity’s sake, each submission will be allotted points on the following scale: 5 for #1, 4 for #2, etc.

3. Though it’s not required, you’re encouraged to include your thoughts on individual entries or the year in general. The most interesting comments will be included with proper attribution when the results are posted. We’d prefer actual names and locations, but if you’d like to use an alias, that would be okay, too.

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