A.V. Club on Chicago Public Radio

In the service of the almighty Inventory book—it makes a perfect Christmas gift, and if you buy 20 we'll give you a tour of the office*The A.V. Club storm-trooped Chicago Public Radio this week. Two segments aired this morning on WBEZ's 848 program. The first featured Tasha Robinson and me being awfully sarcastic. Just so you know, host Jimmy Carrane encouraged this behavior—we're not just dicks. (We have already received one piece of hate e-mail about it, decrying our use of "kind of" and "sort of" and calling us intolerable. It was signed "From an Onion (not AV Club) fan." Oh, the stinging!) (That was more sarcasm.)

Immediately following our intolerable interview, Nathan Rabin was interviewed about "comfort films" to enjoy over the holidays. He was considerably more sincere and quite possibly more eloquent.

You can download the entire 848 show here, as well as see a picture of Tasha and me with Jimmy Carrane. Our segments begin at the 34:30 mark.

* This is as much a dare as an actual item for sale. And in case you were wondering, nobody has taken us up on it yet. You could be the first! (Purchaser must provide his/her own transportation to/from our office. We will provide awkward conversation and probably some sort of bonus gifts.)

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