A24's turning your favorite A24 movies into books

A24's turning your favorite A24 movies into books
Photo: A24

Once upon a time, it seemed every studio film came with its own novelization—anyone else read The Good Son’s tie-in book? No?—a trend that’s predictably dropped off in the age of remakes, reboots, and intellectual property run wild. Well, A24, the “boutique” studio responsible for some of the decade’s most exciting films—Moonlight, The Florida Project, Good Time—is bringin’ ‘em back. Well, sorta.

Today, the studio announced its own book imprint, which, per Indiewire, will see the release of tomes that “celebrate the singular vision and unbridled artistry of… noted writer-directors, showcasing how they saw their films through from script to screen.” Inside each film’s book, you’ll find the script alongside color photos, special essays, and forwards written by names of note. If the film’s an Academy winner, the winners’ speeches will also be included. Production sketches, Q&As, and, in some cases, even a bit of short fiction may also round out the pages.

On September 30, A24 will release books for Barry Jenkins’ Moonlight, Robert Eggers’ The Witch, and Alex Garland’s Ex Machina. Get a glimpse of their content in the below tweets (and take note that Grammy winner Frank Ocean penned a forward for the Moonlight edition).

A24 notes that the first editions will be comprised of only 2,000 copies, and that they’ll go for $60 apiece, which seems a paltry price to pay for the cred you’ll undoubtedly gain from the movie buff cognoscenti.

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