Aaron Paul would've liked to play Kurt Cobain, and honestly, it could still work

Aaron Paul would've liked to play Kurt Cobain, and honestly, it could still work
Photo: Charley Gallay

Speaking with NME recently, tentative member of the android resistance Aaron Paul mentioned that he’s been sitting on a desire to play iconic Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain ever since he moved to Los Angeles. This came in response to a question about Paul playing “Weird” Al Yankovic in a Funny Or Die video, with Paul saying that he “thought quite a bit about Kurt Cobain and what happened,” and that it “could be interesting” to play Cobain in a biopic.

It’s important to point out that he’s not saying “I’d like to play Kurt Cobain right now,” he’s just saying it’s something he has thought about, which is a helpful distinction because Aaron Paul is 40-years-old and Cobain died when he was 27. It’s not quite Willem Dafoe playing Vincent Van Gogh, but it is something that everyone would keep pointing out if someone made a Bohemian Rhapsody-style Cobain movie with Paul. Then again, Paul pretty much always seems to play younger than he really is, so it could work. Or, if they want to get real wild with it, they could do some alternate history thing—like, “Everyone knows Cobain died at 27, what this movie presupposes is… maybe he didn’t.” Or file off the serial numbers and let Paul play an aging grunge-rocker named Burt Bobain. Former lead-singer of Burbana, the band behind “Bells Like Bean Beer-it,” “Bart-shaped Socks,” and a legendary MTV Bunblugged berformance.

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