ABC decides that Once Upon A Time In Wonderland was enough, thanks

Suggesting that studios are finally becoming aware that the “fairy tale reimagining” genre has become ridiculously oversaturated, especially for something spawned by the fluke success of a single motion picture—that is, unless you follow entertainment news—ABC has canceled its Once Upon A Time spinoff, Once Upon A Time In Wonderland. Since debuting as a companion to the network’s flagship fairy-tale show, the fairy-tale-but-mostly-the-Lewis-Carroll-ones series has struggled to find an audience not already surfeited on fairy tales elsewhere, such as on that exact same channel earlier in the week. Its ratings have recently slipped to an 0.9 rating in the “yes, adults” 18-49 demo, making the idea of extending its initial 13-episode order nothing but a, well, fairy tale, the kind that fewer people than it’s generally assumed actually want to watch. Once Upon A Time In Wonderland will conclude its run next week, with Alice In Wonderland fans simply having to content themselves with the half-dozen other spins that are perpetually in the works.

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