ABC Just Got Around To Making A Friends Rip-Off

ABC Just Got Around To Making A Friends Rip-Off

Back in 1996, when Friends was at the peak of its "The One With The Relationship Humor" powers, ABC decided that they wanted their very own version of Friends. But instead of hiring people to write it, ABC fed all of the information about the series into a super-computer the size of a small gymnasium. This took about 30 minutes. Then they pressed a comically large button that read "Generate Sitcom," and waited for their Friends rip-off to materialize. Fourteen years later, the super-computer gave them Romantically Challenged:

A bike! He rode a bike. Good one, Sitcom Rip-Off Generator.(Incidentally, computers think "I rode my bike" is a very funny joke largely because computers don't have legs. Other jokes computers enjoy: "I just played some soccer." And "I am wearing shoes.")

Well, if you ever wanted to see a sitcom that is less interesting than cork, now you can!

At this rate, ABC should have a Joey rip-off starring that guy who always has one night stands—let's call him Nicky—in about seven years.

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