Aberdeen decides to not name a bridge after Kurt Cobain because of the whole drugs and suicide thing

In the mythology of Kurt Cobain, Aberdeen is a dank, depressing backwater where roving gangs of rednecks tortured our poor hero in his adolescence, and planted the seeds of angst that later flowered in Nirvana. That’s not quite the reality of Cobain’s story (though it’s not that far off), but it does seem like Aberdeen’s most famous son still hasn’t won the full respect of his hometown’s fathers. Rolling Stone reports the city’s local parks board has decided not to rename a bridge in honor of Cobain, for fear that it would promote his drug use and suicide and not, you know, his artistry. Apparently the city believes that a riverbank doesn’t have quite the influencing powers of a bridge, as it did vote to name a strip of land along with Wishkah River after Cobain.

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