Abigail Disney, activist and Roy Disney's granddaughter, decries Bob Iger's "insane" salary

Abigail Disney, activist and Roy Disney's granddaughter, decries Bob Iger's "insane" salary
Photo: Monica Schipper

While you would think that having a last name like “Disney” might equate to being out of touch with today’s state of economic disparity, that is certainly not the case with filmmaker, activist, and Disney heir Abigail Disney. In fact, she’s more than willing to call out the lopsided-at-best compensation practices of the family that her grandfather, Roy Disney, co-founded, specifically when it comes to Bob Iger’s wildly inflated salary, per reporting from The Hollywood Reporter.

Last December The Walt Disney Company released its annual compensation for it top executives, including Iger. The report revealed that Iger received $65.6 million in 2018 – an 80% increase from the previous fiscal year. During a panel about “humane capitalism” at the first annual Fast Company Impact Council last week, Abigail Disney noted Iger’s instance as an example of a failed opportunity to provide better wages for employees:

“When he got his bonus last year, I did the math, and I figured out that he could have given personally, out of pocket, a 15% raise to everyone who worked at Disneyland, and still walked away with $10 million. So there’s a point at which there’s just too much going around the top of the system into this class of people who — I’m sorry this is radical — have too much money. There is such a thing.”

Abigail Disney was sure to mention that she did like Iger and that her assessment does not negate her opinion that he is a “good man,” a sentiment that she reiterated when she took to Twitter to firmly stand by her statements from the panel.

Per The Hollywood Reporter, a Disney rep commented that Iger’s 2018 salary increase was largely tied to performance and a stock grant related to the company’s purchase of Century Fox.

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