Accio the soothing ambient sounds of the world of Harry Potter

Catering to the kind of nerds whose Harry Potter fandom runs deep enough to want to live in J.K Rowling’s fantasy universe (so deep they can appreciate obscure trivia like the fact that Professor Snape is the only Death Eater capable of producing a Patronus Charm or whatever), the community of dorks over at Ambient Mixer have carefully reproduced the background noise of various locations in the Harry Potter universe. Eating a bowl of Mueslix while pretending to be in Hogwarts’ Great Hall has never been easier. As the “mixer” title suggests, users can also adjust the levels and durations of the individual elements of each ambient loop to tailor their Potter ambience to their precise tastes. There’s even an Azkaban Prison mix to go on your next Halloween playlist.

Naturally, there’s also a selection of sounds from other sci-fi and fantasy works of fiction, including the Doctor Who-themed “Scary Tardis” (just what it sounds like) and a substantial library of Middle Earth themes, making it easier to make jokes like, “Man, this job is like working in the Mines Of Moria!” Hypothetically speaking, of course.

[via The Daily Dot]

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