Ace Ventura director Tom Shadyac may end his self-imposed comedy exile to remake The Intouchables

Tom Shadyac—the Ace Ventura director whose near-death experience led him on a quest to say things more meaningful than can be conveyed through talking ass cheeks—is reportedly considering a return to comedy with a remake of the 2011 French hit The Intouchables, according to Deadline. If so, it would be quite the comeback, after the much-maligned filmmaker behind Patch Adams, The Nutty Professor, Bruce Almighty, and its disastrous sequel Evan Almighty suffered a debilitating bike accident that finally caused him to question whether he was doing anything worthwhile, give up all his wealth, and devote himself to more charitable endeavors than feeding the world comedy gruel.

Scripted by Paul Feig (who was originally slated to direct) and with Colin Firth still set to star, The Intouchables tells the story of a paralyzed man whose life improves after he bonds with his caregiver—an uplifting story that has obvious personal attraction for Shadyac. And while Shadyac’s quest seemed dedicated to only doing films like the well-intentioned if muddled documentary I Am from now on, it's possible that here, at long last, may be a movie important enough to lure the director behind so many of Jim Carrey's biggest faces back into the business. And then he can get right back down here in the shallow muck with the rest of us.

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