Actual Movie Trailers I Was Forced To Watch

Actual Movie Trailers I Was Forced To Watch

Actual movie trailers I was forced to watch (largely out of boredom): The Astronaut Farmer

Why are farmers constantly building unwieldy things, or discovering alien creatures, or living out their dreams in fields? Is it because of all the wide open space? Do they just feel a need to fill the fields around them with zany dreams?

But maybe I'm just focusing on the crazy, dreaming farmer genre too much. Afterall, any trailer that starts with a Jay Leno monologue joke, and ends 50 stoic Billy Bob Thornton squints later with a gazing-at-the-sky montage, a crescendo, and a flash of white light has to be advertising something good, right? Across The Universe

Who knew that The Beatles, Moulin Rouge, and Forrest Gump could come together so seamlessly? It's like Julie Taymor put them all in a combination blender/video camera and hit Stir and Record simultaneously.

But this trailer is very divisive. So far, I have only seen two reactions to it: either "Wow. That looks cool. And there's Beatles songs!" Or "Ughhhh. No." Guess which one is mine? Penelope


A legend! A witch! That bouncy quirky music! A weird, gnarled tree! A curse! Lots of brides! Peter Dinklage with an eyepatch in a boat! Reese Witherspoon with stylishly messy hair! Catherine O'Hara giving birth!

This trailer doesn't even need to show us Christina Ricci with a pig-face, because where else would all of those IFC-Films fairy tale elements lead?

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