Actually, maybe Netflix and NBC will bring back Manifest

The #SaveManifest campaign may have actually worked

Actually, maybe Netflix and NBC will bring back Manifest
Manifest Photo: Peter Kramer/NBC

Like a misguided family member at Thanksgiving dinner who decides that they could maybe make room for another slice of pie, Netflix has leaned back into the kitchen to say, “You know what? Maybe I could use another helping of NBC’s Manifest.” The vaguely Christian-themed Lost-y drama series was canceled by NBC last month pretty much immediately after becoming one of the biggest binge-watch shows on Netflix, with the on-air ratings apparently not being good enough for NBC to be willing to make another season of a show that people only watched on Netflix. That seemed like the perfect scenario for Netflix to swoop in and rescue the show, as it has done many times before, but even Netflix turned up its nose at Manifest—despite the fact that, again, it was and is very popular on the platform.

But hey, never let anyone tell you that hashtag campaigns on social media don’t work, because it seems like the #SaveManifest people may have actually saved Manifest. According to Deadline, both NBC and Netflix are reportedly in talks with Warner Bros. TV (which produces/produced Manifest) about resurrecting the show for a fourth season. As Deadline points out, though, two things happened since that Manifest cancellation: Netflix declined to help back another season of NBC’s Good Girls, and NBC backed out of making a Law & Order spin-off about defense attorneys. Suddenly, one of the most popular shows on Netflix is looking a whole lot sweeter… kind of like that second piece of pie. See, it all comes back around to this Thanksgiving metaphor.

Series creator Jeff Rake tweeted about the potential of the show coming back today, choosing not to offer a comment beyond saying that “if the impossible happens and the dead rise again, it’s because of YOU.” Like we said, vaguely Christian.

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