Ad Age reporter takes Mad Men to task for unrealistic portrayal of lunches

Despite the clearly stated bylaws of the Internet, not everyone is passionately in love with AMC’s Mad Men—and that goes for double for those who actually lived in the world it depicts. Over the summer, influential adman George Lois branded the show “a lie” in the pages of Playboy; this week it’s Ad Age columnist Rance Crain who’s complaining about the show’s lack of veracity—particularly as it pertains to the actual experience of being an Ad Age reporter in 1964, which was apparently nothing like that depicted in the opening and closing interview scenes of the fourth season premiere.

Among his complaints: “No. 1, we never did interviews over lunch; No. 2, we didn't take notes in shorthand; No. 3 we didn't ask cute-ass questions; and No. 4, our pictures were never bigger than our stories.” Crain goes on to share some true-life anecdotes from his personal files that you may find illuminating—but ah, who are we kidding? They don’t involve pounding martinis, chasing skirts, or taking notes in shorthand, so you youngsters wouldn’t be interested. [Ad Age via Movieline]

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