Adam Driver and Marion Cotillard crank up the sex appeal and surrealism in final Annette trailer

The Leos Carax musical arrives in theaters on August 6

Adam Driver and Marion Cotillard crank up the sex appeal and surrealism in final Annette trailer
It’s time to start! Screenshot: Amazon Prime Video / Youtube

To the tune of Sparks, the newest, and final trailer for Annette before its theater premiere lets us know that “it’s time to start.” It’s curtain call for the Leos Carax musical, starring Adam Driver and Marion Cotillard, and the film is riding high after winning the award for best director at Cannes Film Festival last month.

Many of the scenes from the previous trailers are cast in a new light, dialing down the mystery and leaning into the joys of passion and falling in love, with the same dramatic flair. We already know that Adam Driver does some naughty intimate things while singing in Annette, and the trailer shows there’s much more to come (in all senses of the word). In contrary performances, Driver dons a robe and moons the audience as “The Ape of God”—“killing” them while Cotillard “saves” them with her heavenly operatics. Digging into the unexpected chemistry that ties Henry and Ann together, the new trailer features shared smiles and bare-naked bodies.

However, despite the palpable connection between the two, things in the trailer still feel unstable between the moody comedian and elegant opera singer, and the tension lingers underneath the Sparks’ repetitious melody. There’s still little details about the title character herself, other than things get a little topsy turvy for the couple following her birth.

Ahead of its release, Annette has received praise for its grandiose vision and surrealist outlook, even as the plot remains on the simple side and near the surface. As Mike D’Angelo put it in his review for The A.V. Club, “The film’s tension between sincerity and falsity is nonstop palpable; virtually every scene threatens to collapse and implode due to the gravitational weight of its heightened reality.”

Annette premieres in theaters on August 6, and arrives on Amazon Prime Video on August 20.

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