Adam Levine: Fox News is an "evil fucking channel"; Fox News: "Don't make crappy fucking music"

So, it's come down to this: In an expletive-filled battle between Axe-spewing pop-rock band Maroon 5 and propaganda-spewing cable network Fox News, who is supposed to be the sympathetic one? Or have we finally accepted that there are no heroes, and therefore no villains, and we're all the same F-bomb-tossing lunkhead in the highest level of human consciousness? These are the questions sparked by the Twitter battle between Maroon 5 singer Adam Levine and Fox News hosts Greg Gutfeld and Andy Levy, which began after Levine, for whatever reason, demanded that Fox News no longer spin his racy but still comfortably white-bread music.

"Dear Fox News, don't play our music on your evil fucking channel ever again. Thank you," Levine tweeted on Wednesday. In response, Gutfeld tweeted, "Dear Adam, that's not music," followed by Levy's more assertive zinger: "Dear @AdamLevine, don't make crappy fucking music ever again. Thank you." Two opposing ideologies, one very limited vocabulary. [via Billboard]

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