Adult Swim dumps a bunch of new Rick And Morty promos on YouTube

Adult Swim dumps a bunch of new Rick And Morty promos on YouTube

Last night, Adult Swim pulled off a fantastic Aprils Fools’ gag by releasing the season three premiere of Rick And Morty with absolutely no fanfare. Unfortunately, it looks like it will still be a little while before we get to see the rest of the season, so in an attempt to satiate Rick And Morty fans’ hunger for content, Adult Swim had uploaded a bunch of promos for the show on its YouTube channel. The Daily Dot went through the trouble of digging them all up, and the 8 short clips include stop-motion adventures centered on Morty and his family, video game-style animations, and little tributes to some of the show’s weirder supporting characters (everybody wants more Gearhead, right?).

You can see all of the clips below.

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