Al Franken is not running for president in 2020

We already have a former Saturday Night Live host in the White House, so it stands to reason that the only way for the Democrats to beat Donald Trump in the next election (assuming he lasts that long) is to make him go up against a former SNL cast member. Unfortunately, the Democrats will have to find someone other than Al Franken, because he really does not want the job.

Franken, who is now a senator from Minnesota, expressed his lack of presidential aspirations in a People interview. When asked if he’d consider running in 2020, Franken responded, “Yeah, I’m not going to do that.” His daughter echoed that point, saying that “it’s not going to happen,” and his wife said, simply, “No.” Instead, Franken tells People that he’s going to keep his focus on fixing the Affordable Care Act, trying to stop the “dreadful” Republican health care bill, and assisting in the investigation into Trump’s possible ties with Russia—which Franken refers to as “pretty alarming stuff.”

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