Alaskan woman bitten in the butt by a bear while using the toilet

Alaskan woman bitten in the butt by a bear while using the toilet
Screenshot: Paddington – StudioCanal

When’s the last time you’ve even had an irrational fear of some very unlikely thing happening? After heading into the one-year mark of the pandemic, it seems like the most unthinkable things already happened. But if there’s someone who knows that bizarre shit can still happen, it’s Shannon Stevens. This Alaskan woman was bitten in the butt by a bear while sitting on the toilet.

Stevens told Associated Press that the toilet attack happened while she, her brother Erik, and his girlfriend were spending some in the wilderness and staying in Erik’s yurt 20 miles northwest of the small Alaskan town of Haines. (It doesn’t sound like our idea of a good time, but to each their own.) The snowmobile ride out to the yurt was apparently uneventful, but things went awry when Stevens went to use the outhouse. “I got out there and sat down on the toilet and immediately something bit my butt right as I sat down,” Stevens said. “I jumped up and I screamed when it happened.”

Erik came running, and the siblings first thought she’d been bitten by a smaller Alaskan animal like a squirrel or a mink. It wasn’t until after Erik took a headlamp to the outhouse that he noticed there was a bear’s face, “just looking right back up through the hole, right at me.”

Alaska Department of Fish and Game Wildlife Management Biologist Carl Koch suspects Shannon’s wound was caused by the bear swatting at her with a paw rather than being bitten. Either way, we thought this was only something that happened in the Spice World universe.

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