All aboard the quirk-mobile in this Wes Anderson “vehicles” supercut

If the worth of a great director is measured by the number of supercuts based on his work, then Wes Anderson is surely a giant among pygmies. If nothing else, it’s a compliment to his vivid, intricate filmmaking that so many aspects of it are susceptible–and desirable–to cut up, scrutinize, and delight anew.

Jaume Lloret’s Vehicles is the latest supercut of Anderson’s oeuvre, highlighting the director’s many point-of-view shots from boats and helicopters, atop trains, and behind the wheels of vintage motorcycles. Divested of narrative, watching “Vehicles” is like taking a guided tour through Wes Anderson’s world of whimsy, which is actually much better than it sounds.

Wes Anderson // Vehicles from Jaume R. Lloret on Vimeo.

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