All of the Bachelor season 24 contestants are too awful to be the new Bachelorette

All of the Bachelor season 24 contestants are too awful to be the new Bachelorette
Photo: Paula Lobo

We have to give props to ABC’s Bachelor/Bachelorette producers: Not only are they able to book Victoria F.’s ex Chase Rice for a concert on her Bachelor date with Peter, or hunt down Peter’s ex to throw some shade at that same Victoria F.—they actually seem to be learning from past mistakes. By pretty much any possible measure, the current Bachelor season is a straight-up trainwreck, filled with toxic contestants like Tammy and Alayah committed to stoking up mountains of useless tension, and an ineffectual Bachelor who keeps falling for the drama. This is on the heels of a Bachelorette season in which indecisive lead Hannah B. kept a gaslighter around for way too long and eventually picked the shady guy who still had a girlfriend back home, leading to their pre-finale breakup.

The fact that many of these players are not yet old enough to rent a car has fortunately not been lost on the Bachelor powers that be, who have now taken a bold stand in the hopes of creating a Bachelorette season that is more mature (although not quite as mature as their recent call for 65+ contestants; they must really be sick of dealing with these youngins), and actually entertaining. It’s like they finally realized that basing an entire TV season on the hopes that a 23- or 24-year-old is ready to make the relationship decision of a lifetime over the course of several weeks was a bit far-fetched. So it was announced on this morning’s episode of Good Morning America that the new Bachelorette will be none of season 24’s awful, backstabbing harpies, but 38-year-old Clare Crawley.—the first time in years that the franchise has gone back several seasons to find a new contestant. And she agrees with us about the current horrid crop of Bachelorettes.

Crawley is famous for dumping Juan Pablo Galavis in his Bachelor season as a runner-up all the way back in 2014. and was on the first few seasons of Bachelor In Paradise. She also appeared in 2018’s Bachelor Winter Games, where she got engaged to Benoit Beauséjour-Savard, but ended the engagement a few months later.

So Crawley is familiar without the franchise works, appears to know what she wants, and does not suffer fools gladly: We can hardly wait for her bound-to-be-riveting reign. Especially since for a second there it looked like our Bachelorette was going to be this season’s Kelsey—as if we would ever forget her ChampagneGate meltdown over the misplaced bottle of bubbly she brought to the Bachelor all the way from her hometown of Des Moines.

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