All the released footage from The Force Awakens in one handy trailer

All the released footage from The Force Awakens in one handy trailer

As excitement continues to mount for the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens (accompanied by “please don’t screw this up”), what we know about the actual movie also continues to mount. Princess Leia is getting a name change, there’s some reason for a Covergirl product tie-in, and there has been more footage of the film released in different spurts—whether it be in a teaser, a trailer, an international trailer, or a TV spot. And while the most recent trailer news has been about what’s playing before The Force Awakens, the internet has managed to come back with a collection of all the released footage thus far edited into one epic trailer for the hotly anticipated film.

True, this video (as put together by Science Vs. Cinema) doesn’t include the footage from the TV spot that was just released a couple of days ago that has Finn fighting a stormtrooper with a lightsaber, but otherwise it is a very comprehensive gathering of all other glimpses audiences have been afforded thus far. What makes this truly impressive—beyond just having one location for all that delicious, delicious BB-8 action—is that it is expertly edited together into a cohesive whole as opposed to just slamming the footage together in a haphazard way. There’s real rising and falling action in this supercut that evokes what humans refer to as “emotions” and creates a narrative out of the disparate parts. It’s an exceptionally rewarding endeavor and may continue to help feed those that find themselves severely jonesing for more Star Wars.

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