All the worst Game Of Thrones tweets gigantic brands sent out last night

Westeros is a land with no internet and no brands beyond the Iron Bank Of Braavos and the mercenary Stormcrows vying for consumer attention; the world we inhabit is filled with toilet bowl cleaners and fast food companies skating in on the coattails of our escapist fantasy world by saturating Twitter with their #GameOfThrones #brands. Those live-tweeting the Game Of Thrones season five premiere last night or just hanging out on Twitter probably noticed some brands trying to get in on the action. Uproxx compiled some of the best/worst ones. Some were cute; the aforementioned toilet bowl cleaner was actually kind of clever.

Sonic probably tried the hardest, talking shit about how Burger King’s reign is over and Papa John Snow knows nothing.

Arby’s got in on the #CatchDrogon hashtag with a predictably lame tweet featuring a Photoshopped dragon shadow over an Arby’s with a sign reading “We have the meats.” Maybe Arby’s hasn’t heard about the part where Drogon eats a child.

Chili’s skipped the tweeting and went straight to ads that show up in the feeds of users that don’t even follow the chain or want anything to do with it. For the amount of money Chili’s must have dropped, you’d think the advertising department could come up with something better than inserting the word “tacos” into a title.

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