Allison Williams to star in Jordan Peele’s upcoming horror movie

Viewers who found the character of Marnie on Girls to be irredeemably irritating might finally have their chance—sort of—to see her die a painful onscreen death: Deadline reports that Allison Williams has been cast in Jordan Peele’s new horror movie, Get Out. (Of course, she might also play the “final girl,” so no promises.) No details on Williams’ character have been released, but considering the plot revolves around “a young African-American man who visits his Caucasian girlfriend’s family estate,” the smart money’s on her playing the girlfriend.

The film will mark Williams’ feature film debut. It’s a career milestone for Peele as well, who’s known as a comedian but wrote Get Out as a straightforward horror-thriller. Produced by genre leader Blumhouse Productions—the company responsible for the Paranormal Activity movies, the Insidious movies, and, most sinister of all, Jem And The HologramsPeele says Get Out will tackle race in America in a way that hasn’t been done in horror cinema since Night Of The Living Dead. Perhaps even more so, considering NOTLD director George Romero maintains that he didn’t originally envision a black man in the leading role and simply cast the actor who gave the best audition, still a pretty radical move in itself.

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