Alternate Titles For The Bounty Hunter

Alternate Titles For The Bounty Hunter

In case you haven't heard because TV, movie theaters, magazines, the Internet, and scaffolding covered in posters have been merciful to you, the latest entry to the storied Step-1-lock-her-in-a-trunk-Step-2-she-falls-in-love-with-you genre is The Bounty Hunter, starring Gerard Butler in the wardrobe of a 13-year-old boy, a vaguely human-shaped pile of beige exasperation (Jennifer Aniston), and a complete lack of chemistry. Obviously, it is the worst-looking movie since Jennifer Aniston's or Gerard Butler's last movies.

Yet, just when you think you've reached the bottom of The Bounty Hunter's awfulness, the ground gives way and the taupe tunnel of wretchedness that is The Bounty Hunter stretches on for a few more terrible feet. Case in point: "From The director of Hitch" is apparently one of this movie's selling points:

And here's a sample of the movie's hilarious two-exes-battling-it-out revenge humor:

Good one, The Bounty Hunter.

If you've ever wondered what Out Of Sight would look like if filtered through The Ugly Truth, you're in luck:

"The Bounty Hunter" just doesn't quite capture the level of awfulness on display here—also it unfairly besmerches the name of Dog, that famous bounty hunter.

Alternate Titles For The Bounty Hunter:

Mr. & Mrs. Smith Too

Jen: 5 Years After Brad

Goin' To EX-tremes!

Love Happens 2: Road Trip

EX-iled In WackyTown

If You Love Someone, Put Them In The Trunk Of Your Car

Eliminate Smoochy (Italy)

Jen n' Gerry In The Krazy Kaper

Don't Tase Me, Jennifer Aniston!

Tan Lady From Friends Is A Criminal Caught By Man-Ox (China)

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