Amanda Palmer announces Kickstarter campaign to fund a whole bunch of stuff she wants to do this year

Amanda Palmer is planning to release a new album in September. She's also planning an art book, public art exhibit, and a tour. The problem is, all of that stuff costs money, and Palmer, who is no longer on a major label, doesn’t have any. So she’s launched a Kickstarter: The fundraising drive reached Palmer’s goal of $100,000 in seven hours, but you can still donate if you would like. Donating just $1 will secure you a digital download of the album, while $10,000 will bring Amanda Palmer, her band, and her gigantic make-up bag (not kidding) to your house so you can go on stage with them and do a professional photoshoot to scare your parents (seriously, not kidding). You will also eat Thai food, drink, and be merry, apparently.

The album (which doesn't have a title yet) was recorded with Palmer's new band, the Grand Theft Orchestra, featured in the video below. Yes, they all look pretty much exactly what you would expect Amanda Palmer’s backing band to look like. Produced by John Congleton, the album features, according to Palmer, “HORNS (locally sourced in Melbourne, Australia!), SYNTHESIZERS, GUITAAAARRRRR, and BIG BAD-ASS ORCHESTRAL ARRANGEMENTS that will blow your domepiece.”

The public art exhibit/live tour will hit Berlin, London, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Boston this summer. Here are the dates:

June 12—The Factory—Berlin, Germany (art show)
June 14—Roter Salon—Berlin, Germany (live show)
June 18—Village Underground—London, England (art show)
June 20—Village Underground—London, England (live show)
June 27—Music Hall of Williamsburg—Brooklyn, New York (live show)
June 28—Music Hall of Williamsburg—Brooklyn, New York (art show)
July 12—Public Works—San Francisco, California (art show)
July 13—Public Works—San Francisco, California (live show)
July 18—The Roxy—Los Angeles, California (live show)
July 19—Pop Tart Gallery—Los Angeles, California (art show)
August 1—The Middle East—Boston, Massachusetts (art show)
August 2—The Middle East—Boston, Massachusetts (live show)

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