Amanda Palmer arrested in Amsterdam

Amanda Palmer arrested in Amsterdam

Earlier today Amanda Palmer—front-woman for The Dresden Dolls, wife of fantasy writer Neil Gaiman, and friend of Undercover—was arrested in Amsterdam for currently undisclosed reasons, although amateur video of the incident suggests it may have been for illegally performing in public. After her release from the holding cell, Palmer noted on her Twitter feed that she was only charged with a fine, and addressed her fans, saying, "Dear Amsterdam, sorry I got arrested & the gig ended prematurely. you will all have to come to Utrecht tomorrow. love, afp." Prior to that, Palmer had tweeted something about "heading to the monument"—which seems to be that statue glimpsed behind her as she's being escorted away—despite being warned that the site was currently blocked off for some sort of official function. Anyway, all's well that ends well: Palmer adds that fans supposedly held a vigil outside the police station, and when Palmer was released, they took her to a "salsa night." Palmer rightly notes that her "life is weird."

Here's the video of her arrest.

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