Amanda Palmer raises $1 million on Kickstarter, celebrates with concert, webstream

People really, really like Amanda Palmer. Just a few weeks after the singer-songwriter-blogger put a Kickstarter up hoping to raise $100,000 for her new record, art book, and tour, she’s raised more than $1.1 million. As a thank you, she’ll be hosting a free, all-ages event tonight on a closed-down street in Brooklyn. The whole thing, which wraps up the fundraising campaign and is billed as a “celebratory performance-art-endurance countdown featuring Amanda and her band, The Grand Theft Orchestra,” will be streamed online. Special high-level backers of the project earned tickets to a post-show performance at a nearby loft, but considering incentives for Palmer’s Kickstarter kick in at just $1 donation, fans really are getting a lot of bang for their buck. Palmer's not making out too bad either.

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