Amazon picks up Bryan Cranston’s Philip K. Dick anthology series

According to Variety, Amazon has picked up the rights to Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams, an anthology series based on the work of the iconic author that is being produced by Bryan Cranston and Battlestar Galactica‘s Ronald D. Moore. We first heard about the project last year, and now Amazon is planning to develop it into a 10-episode drama that will be based around adaptations of Dick’s stories. Also, Cranston is “expected to appear” in at least one episode, but that’s pretty much the only detail we have about the show. At this point, the specific Dick stories that will be adapted have not been revealed, but it seems very unlikely that the actual book that the show is named after—”Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sleep?”—will be included. After all, it did already get a pretty famous movie adaptation back in the ‘80s.

A premiere date for Electric Dreams has not been announced.

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