Amazon renews The Man In The High Castle

Forging a bizarre alternate universe in which a Philip K. Dick adaptation about a Nazi-run U.S. can somehow become a minor, but potent, critical hit, Amazon has announced that it’s renewing The Man In The High Castle for a second season. (Hopefully, one it can promote this time without making tired New Yorkers sit on subway benches emblazoned with fascist propaganda.)

There’s no word on when the second season will arrive, but presumably executive producer Frank Spotnitz and Ridley Scott’s Scott Free Productions are hard at work realizing more of Dick’s grim world of a United States divvied up between a wary Germany and Japan. (Or maybe they’ll just go all-in on this whole alternate universe thing, and we’ll spend the second season in a world where Superman is evil, or where funny talking animals somehow won World War II.)

[via Deadline]

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