American Crime Story is coming to Netflix next year

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Netflix has locked up the exclusive streaming rights to FX’s American Crime Story, including—obviously—its surprisingly excellent premiere season, which centered around the O.J. Simpson trial. That first season will be available to stream in 2017 worldwide (except in Canada, for some reason), with subsequent seasons becoming available “after their broadcast window on FX.” The second season will reportedly involve the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and various sub-stories instead of a single American crime, and also John Travolta may want to play himself in it.

Netflix has prominently touted the availability of American Horror Story (Crime Story’s sister show) on its service for years, and since THR points out that FX CEO John Landgraf isn’t a big fan of Netflix, this deal must be particularly beneficial to both parties for him to go through with it—which is to say that Netflix is probably paying a lot of money for this.

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